15-item Mandarin version of Demoralization Scale (DS-M-15)

15-item Mandarin version of Demoralization Scale (DS-M-15)

The DS-M-15 was developed to investigate the demoralization of non-patients. It has been validated among high school students and undergraduate students in Taiwan.


1: 非常不同意; 2:不同意; 3:没意见; 4:同意; 5:非常同意

生活意義感 (Life Meaning)

  1. 我現在的生活很滿足 (R)

  2. 我對現在的生活很滿意 (R)

  3. 我現在的生活過得不錯 (R)

孤獨無助 (Loneliness & Helplessness)

  1. 沒有人幫得了我

  2. 我覺得孤立無援.

  3. 幫不了自己.

自我肯定 (Self-assurance)

  1. 我有很棒的特質 (R).

  2. 我能看見自己的長處 (R).

  3. 我是很重要的人(R).

勇敢與堅毅 (Bravery & Perseverance)

  1. 我會勇敢面對壓力 (R)。

  2. 我樂於解決困難 (R)

  3. 我會從錯誤中學習 (R)

情緒困擾 (Emotional Distress)

  1. 我經常感到後悔

  2. 我的生活不會有遺憾

  3. 我害怕不被人接納

(R): Item that requires reverse scoring


Reverse the scores of the reversed items. To generate the subscale score of life meaning, average scores on items 1, 2, and 3. To generate the subscale score of loneliness and helplessness, average scores on items 4, 5, and 6. To generate the subscale score of self-assurance, average scores on items 7, 8, and 9. To generate the subscale score of bravery & perseverance, average scores on items 10, 11, and 12. To generate the subscale score of emotional distress, average scores on items 13, 14, and 15. Finally, to calculate an overall score, average scores from all 15 items.


Huang, C.-Y., Hung, Y.-C., Tan, C.-S., Cheng, S.-M., & Hu, S.-H. (2021). Development and validation of a Mandarin version of Demoralization Scale for adolescents and young adults. Current Psychology, Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12144-021-02504-x (open access)

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Creative Commons NonCommercial CC BY-NC. Permission is not required for academic uses. For commercial uses, contact Dr. Chuan-Yung Huang at chuanyung(at)ntunhs.edu.tw for information.


  • 15-item Mandarin version of Demoralization Scale (coming soon)